in the world of HOMO NUMERICUSTM
Over the pass two decades, we are witnessing a period of profound transformation altering our reality and our relationships to the World.
This transformation is the end result of the interplay of 3 structural phenomena:
- The assertion of open and integrated world trading market.
- The digitalisation of all available information and the emergence of digital-only operating systems.
- The amazing ‘web technology’ that connect and provide customers the access to all this information.
Thereupon, the end consum’actor can do his shopping, all his purchases, order, request delivery, book, organize, get informed, get cultivated and live, by intensively using these new technologies.
“We are in the midst of a Revolution which is tremendously transforming the way we live, work and relate to the World and to one another. In its scale, scope and complexity, this transformation is unlike anything humankind has experienced before.”
“From a corporate business perspective, understanding this Revolution and the digital challenge is not different from any other challenge facing a business on an evolutionary path, if succeeding is still the primary goal.”
cannot be defined by a specific age, category or gender mix, but by his ability to adopt and apply new technologies.
Welcome in the ‘multi-screen’ World, welcome in the ‘Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere’ World, welcome in the HOMO NUMERICUSTM World.
A hyper-connected, highly informed, shared-experience generation, evolving to the position of a power player businesses can’t afford to ignore, and reshaping the consum’actor landscape.
Billion people are connected to internet
Billion people are connected to social network
Billion people on Facebook every month
hours time spent per adult on internet everyday
Mauritians are connected to internet
Mauritian are connected to social network
Facebook profiles in Mauritius
Mauritian are connected everyday
“Ultimately, Marketing is the activity and process of creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging product and service offerings that have value for consumers, partners, employees, owners and the society at large, by resolving human anxieties and performing at the societies’ functional, emotional, as well as spiritual levels.”
Digital Age
has provided to customers an abundance of information and opportunities, combined with a platform to share personal experiences and recommendations across all possible topics.
Well-armed, Customer 3.0 has changed the game on businesses by no longer accepting the role of a passive recipient for marketing communication. They want businesses to precisely find them and effectively engage with them by providing information, enlightening the customer experience and building trust.
With the consum’actor in control, we need to manage through a more complex environment and enable, enlist and empower customers to communicate and advocate for the brand.
Guiding the right customers throughout their journey, from awareness to ultimately advocacy after purchasing:

Time for Branding in the Inbound Marketing Age!

We Drive Konnektion
between our clients and their clients
Inbound Marketing
is extremely powerful, giving to the searcher/consumer the exact answers they are looking for, at the precise moment they are needing it.
It means that strategies and techniques need to be made coherent and specifically accurate at every stages. Specialization is vital and we do it well through the foundation of your Expert Dream Team.
WDK Solutions is a multi-expertise consulting firm and platform, specialized in Business Development, Brand Strategies, Content & New Marketing Solutions, Front/Back end digital applications, Sales Strategies & Tools, and Production Services.
Client Objective Driven, all our endeavors work towards the same goal, resolving the homo numericustm equation:
The right Brand Storytelling – The right Marcom’ Ecosystem – The right Targets
WDK Solutions’
Understanding the market
Business development,
ROI & KPI ApproachAlignment of our offer to the market realities
Product USP & Positioning Validation
Pricing Strategy
Targets Identification,
Profiling & Characterization -
Brand Purpose, Brand Identity, Brand World,
Visual & Verbal StrategyBrand Consistency Across all Channels
Marketing & Communication Strategy
Validation of Marcom’ Global Ecosystem, Collaterals & Channels Content Strategy - 5A’s Strategy - CRM Strategy
Marketing Analytics
Clients/Leads Nurturing Strategy - 4.0 Metrics (Brand Advocacy Ratio - Purchase Action Ratio)